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Year One

Picture News

Each week, the children use Picture News to learn about current issues in the world. This week we have been learning about how we can keep warm in winter as well as warm spaces and their importance in the community. 

We wrote some 'Top Tips' for Sunny the meerkat about how he could keep warm this winter.

This week, we have been looking at Christmas decorations and why some people may choose to decorate their homes during this time. We have thought about when else we decorate our houses such as birthdays, Eid and at Easter.
We discussed how these houses in the Picture News resource had been decorated for charity. Some children had visited similar houses, who are decorated for charity, and sent photos for us to look at together.

Al the children wrote about how Christmas lights make them feel. 



We discussed the books that we choose to read.

Brian - I love airplane books!

Aliy - I like snail and the whale because it rhymes.

Poppy - Poppy is a princess is my favourite book. It has lots of different princesses in it.


We then spoke about whether we like reading books on the Ipad or a physical book.

Darcey - I like real books because some have flaps. I have a book with envelopes.

Emilie -  I like it when Daddy does the voices for different stories.

Georgia - I like Ipads and I like books too.


We then wrote about our favourite books. 


29th April
