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Leading in Teams

Creating Media - Digital photography.


We have been learning how to use a digital device e.g. iPad to take photographs. 

We first learnt about how to take a good photograph. These are the steps you need to follow. 

1) Hold the device firm without shaking, use two hands. - Khadijah 

2) Point the camera at what you are taking a picture of - Ali 

3) When you are taking the picture, look at the screen, so you know what you are taking a picture of. - Jaxon

4) Move the device, if you can’t see the whole thing in the screen - Alfie 

5) Press the capture button - Heidi


Once we learnt how to take a picture, we then went around the school and played photography bingo, where we had to take pictures of different things. Below are pictures captured by Year 2.

We took pictures of buildings

We took photographs of a person / people

We took a photograph of a close - up of an object

We tried to take photographs of action shot

We also took selfies

Creating media - Digital Photography - What makes a good photograph? 

During this lesson we learnt about what makes a good photograph. 

In order to take a good photograph you must make sure: 

- ‘You position the device so you can see the whole object.’ - Millie 

- ‘Make sure you have included the main object in your frame.’ - Jaxon 

- ‘Stand close or far from the object, depending on what you are taking a picture of.’ - Alfie 


We then worked in pairs to take photographs of: 

- A classroom display

- A view out of the classroom window 

- A group of pencils

We have been learning to give the floor robot, different sets of instructions in various order. 
