Art Vision Statement
At Fulwood St. Peter’s we intend art to allow all pupils to express their inner artist.
Beginning in EYFS, pupils develop confidence to work collaboratively in teams to critique the work of others with the aim of improving the overall work. Our extensive grounds pose inspiration for real-life experiences with nature allowing pupils to observe and replicate patterns, textures and colours within their creations. Each child has the ability to approach the study of an artist from their own perspective, taking inspiration and insight from the real life original artwork and independently conceiving their own piece to be proud of. Our art curriculum has been developed so that there is a freedom to choose method and materials for all pupils in each learning opportunity. It is also planned so that pupils can broaden and deepen their exposure to a variety of artistic styles from various periods of history.
We hold a weekly art club for KS2. In this club the children are exposed to new skills and knowledge that they have not been exposed to in the curriculum. We are working towards submitting our work to the National Portrait Competition.
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Each year we hold a photography competition which is open to all age groups. There is always a theme to engage with. Click the link below to take you to our previous competitions.
This year our work was focused around the story of The Colour Monster. Pupils read the story and discussed emotions.
Following this, pupils looked at techniques of representing these emotions in well-known artworks such as brush stroke and transparency of paint to texture of artwork. We examined how colours are used to represent emotions.
Each year group created artwork about an emotion, expressing their personal experience of that emotion.
This year’s exhibition focused on the progression of skills which are taught to children across each key stage.
In each class an artist was studied and their work and style taken as an inspiration for children’s own work. These artists are in addition to our curriculum.
Nursery - Yayoi Kasumu
Reception - Bridget Riley
Year 1 - Vincent Van Gogh
Year 2 - Georgia O’Keefe
Year 3 - Zaha Hadid
Year 4 - Diane Komoter
Year 5 - Jean-Michel Basquaint
Year 6 - Roy Litchenstein
Year 1 pupil - I enjoyed looking at the Barbra Hepworth sculpture because of the 3D shapes. I like the rounded shapes. She makes holes in her sculptures.
Year 1 pupil - I really enjoyed looking at Miro's work because it doesn't have normal shapes and his work is bright and colourful. Also it's interesting to look at.
Year 3 Pupil- We looked at Antony Gormley's sculptures and compared them to the real human body.
Year 3 Pupil- We compared the 'form' of each sculpture and measured our hands and feet to check they were the correct size compared to each other.
Year 3 Pupil- We used tissue paper to create the right shape muscles and then tinfoil to represent the skin.
Year 4 pupil - I was inspired by the Year 2 work on Andy Goldsworthy and how they used natural resources instead of using things you'd normally see like paint.
Year 4 pupil - I really enjoyed the work in Year 4 because I thought it was interesting how a vegetable could be turned into a person. It's quite clever.
Year 6 pupil - I enjoyed the collage work because I was able to try a different art skill. I really enjoy art. I tried to graduate the colours using different shades of paper to go form light to dark. When I did my collage I focused on making the person look realistic.
Year 6 Pupil - I really enjoyed doing the collage because it let me stay calm and focus on a big task. I also liked creating a piece of work on a person who is inspirational to me. I learnt to do a collage it takes a lot of focus and you need to right size pieces of paper for it to look effective.