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Within English we have been writing our own chapters for The Wizard Of Oz. The children have independently creating their own characters with something missing in order for them to join the party and visit Oz. 

Some examples are below. 

"My character is a Munchkin and he has lost his sense of touch." Ben H Year 6

"My character is a panda who needs to get back all his fur." Holly A Year 6 

"I have created a Munchkin who needs to get back to his original height." Youseff M Year 6 


Within the writing the children have been focusing on using speech, noun phrases and using a range of vocabulary. 

Some examples taken from the children's books include:

"As the party trudged through the forest, Dorothy began to feel awfully tired. The Lion picked up some pace and dwindled away." Sophie P Year 6 

"After the girl had a hearty breakfast the group finally got out of the forest." Ollie O Year 6


In DT, children have been given the task of designing and making a T-shirt for the nursery teddy bear. They had to independently look at existing designs and different types of embellishments, before creating their own pattern piece. 

Within PSHE, we have looked at the differences between rights and responsibilities. The children have recognised certain rights they have along with responsibilities they may have. We have picked out a right we have and expressed the importance of them.
