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Autumn 1 - Art

After researching about Frida Kahlo, who was famous for her self portraits, we then created our own. We chose whether to complete a “sad” looking self portrait in the style of Frida or a happier one to represent us more. We designed our background and extra images we wanted to put with us in our self portraits on a separate piece of paper and then stuck our self portrait over the top.

I chose a football net as part of my background because I love football - YA

I chose to do a sad one like Frida Kahlo - SH

Autumn 1 - PE

In our gymnastics unit of PE, we started by looking at different ways of travelling, jumping, rolling and balancing. We practised these in pairs and then we had to create a sequence with 8 elements. It was up to us what elements we wanted to put in and what order we wanted to do them in. 

Autumn 1 - Computing

Our unit of computing, networks and systems, we have looked at Input -> Process -> Output. We discussed how see these in things like microwaves or washing machines and also electronic toys. We then created our our Inputs and Outputs for a toy bear. 
