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Character Education

During the year, year groups Reception to Year 5 will take part in a series of lessons, entitled Character Education. The aim of these lessons at Key Stage One and EYFS  are to help children develop personal skills

under the following headings, Team Work, Self-esteem, Kindness, Resilience and Positivity. Lowe Key Stage Two will work on the following topic headings, which link to both our school values and curriculum drivers, Character, Relationships, Respect, Independence, Teamwork. All of these sessions are for 60 minutes and include an element of phyiscal activity along with classroom interactive based work.

An over view can be found below. Over the course of the year children's understanding and their views will be added to the class pages as and when they take part in the sessions.

Year Five and Year Six will be taking part in the British Values sessions, to gain a deeper understanding of our British Values and how we live these values out. 

Character Education Overview
