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The children had a 'democratic vote' to choose what topic we would have as our focus for the summer term. Once we had decided what topic was the favourite, we worked as a class to complete a KWL Grid- what we already know, what we want to know and what we have learnt. We are using the 'what we want to know' area to drive the direction in which our topic will go.

The children have been working hard in their Science topics learning about Magnets and Forces. The children were able to work in groups of 3 and choose what line of enquiry they wanted to explore. They were able to choose what question to ask and how to set up their experiment to answer the question. 


Follow the below link to find out Moe information about our experiment. 

The children have completed optional homework. They had a choice of any area related to China. The children worked really hard on these and it was great to see the different styles people decided to use to present their work. 


Please follow the below link to see some examples. 
