In Maths we were working as a team to decide which container held the most. We were predicting which one and then counting accurately to find out.
The children have been playing a game with their partners for building numbers beyond 10. One had to close their eyes whilst the other one made a number. Then the child that had their eyes opened and told them what number they had made. They talked about what they could see.
I can see 10 and 4 and it makes 14. Aaryan
I can see 10 and 1 and that makes 11. Kiki
You have made 12 and that is 10 and 2. Emily
Today the children have been playing a game involving counting above ten. One group had to count around the circle until they got to 13 and then that person sat down. The game carried on until there was one person left. We also played a game of What’s the Time Mr Wolf? We had to count up to 12.
In class today the children were working together to put the numbers in order from 0-20. They then played a game where one of them stole a number and the other had to work out what was taken.
We went on the field to explore grouping. We did some exercise and then Mrs Tate shouted a number and we had to get into that group.