We talked about the Van Gogh painting as a class and then the pupils independently used resources to create their own art.
The pupils worked together as a class and then in partners to find out facts about Mondrian. They then created a piece of work in the style of Mondrian.
The pupils created an Easter card. We talked about light and shadow. We practised hatching and cross-hatching.
The children have been using their 5 senses to help them observe a landscape. The children also thought about about what art techniques they think the artist has used.
The pupils have been learning to make many tones of one colour by adding white.
Creating colour wheels and experimenting with mixing colours.
Researching and presenting ideas on Gormley and his work. We discussed our favourite sculptures and his influence.
Pupils used their own ideas about perspective and scale to create texture and mood in pictures. They studied the work of Henri Rousseau and prior knowledge of scale and perspective from Lowry's work.