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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4 2024 - 2025

Year 4 2023/24

Welcome to Year 4. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Miss Smith and I will be the year 4 class teacher this year. Some afternoons we will have Miss Duckworth working with us to support our Maths and English. My PPA will be for a full day every other Tuesday. Mrs A Parkinson will be teaching on the Tuesday's I am not in class and this will be year 4's Forest schools day. Our PE day will be on a Monday and swimming will be every Thursday morning. 
Please see useful documents and links below  smiley

More useful documents and links:

Archived work - 2022/2023

Helpful links

Archived work 2021-2022

To find out about what Year 4 have been learning in Forest School with Mrs Parkinson, click the link below and select the Year 4 page. 
