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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5 2024 - 2025

Year 5 2023-2024


Welcome to Year 5!


I am Mrs Hall the class teacher. The children will also have Mrs Parkinson to teach Learning through Nature sessions once a fortnight. The dates can be found on the Learning through Nature section of the website.


The learning for each term can be found on the Curriculum News documents below, also shared on Class Dojo. 


Examples of the children's class learning can be found on the Parents Section of the website, under Curriculum and then select the subject you wish to view. You can see choices the children have had, how they are developing their independence, how they work in different roles within a team and the real-life opportunities they have. 

Welcome to Year 5

Curriculum Overviews for parents

This is our class novel this term: The children have selected this book as our end of day story book.

Useful Links

 Archived: Year 5 2022/23
