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I learned that it is important to look after the enviroment and the world. 


I found out that there is alot of pollution in the sea and it comes from the beach and it is things that we leave. This is bad for the creatures in the sea. (OC)


We had a story about 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Mystery' it is about a man called Mr Grinling and we had had lots of stories about this man. One day he sees people putting plastic and rubbish in the sea. We used the Ipads and found out about the litter in the ocean. Did you know that fish eat the plastic and that makes them poorly and sometimes they die. HA)


We learned about recycling and about taking rubbish home away from the beaches. 


We now recycle in our school and our fruit goes to the Forest School area for the wildlife, we have paper boxes in the classrooms and we bring in old clothes for Forest School and wellies for others to use. I have brought some of my old wellies, because my feet had grown and I got new dinosaur ones. ( MZ)


Here are some examples of our work.

Examples of our work
