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Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

Jubilee Party

The whole school got together to celebrate. We played party games, listened to music from different eras, had traditional sports games, threw wellies and quoits ans played a variety of board games. 

In Nursery the children have been learning about London and the Queen.  They have been painting different aspects from what they have learnt.   They have been selecting the colours and thinking about the shapes they are using.

We have been using our cutting skills to decorate crowns.

The children have been acting out different scenarios using the castle including being kings and queens, being soldiers and making up their own stories.  There was lots of royal language.

In the afternoon the nursery children got together with their reading partners in year 6 and had lots of fun doing races, playing games and throwing some wellies!!!!!  Lots of fun was had by all!!!!


Reception looked at photos of the queen and ordered these, from baby to now.They worked in teams.

Bhuvan chose to write about the queen…

The children in Reception made bunting, ready for the celebrations.

Making Buckingham palace…

Year 1


In Year one we watched the Queen's Coronation from 1953. We talked about who the Queen is and why we are celebrating the Jubilee. We went on a hunt to find facts about the Queen and to answer some questions.

Year 2

‘We dressed up in red, white or blue as these colours make up the United Kingdom flag.’ - Holly

‘We also took pictures with the Queen.’ - Harry

In Year 2 we have researched the Queen’s life so far and created a timeline.


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In Year 4 we have researched the Queen’s life so far and created a timeline. We looked at the Royal family tree. We used the internet to research and also read the new Little People, Big Dreams about the Queen. From our knowledge we produced a double page spread about her life. We made windmill Union Jacks to stand in our sunflower seed pots. We had our faces painted to celebrate at the Jubilee party too. 

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Year 5

Year 5 linked their Jubilee work to their history unit of World War 2. During the war, the Queen was a Princess and towards the end of the war she joined the Women’s Auxiliary Service with the service number 230873 under the name Elizabeth Windsor. The Auxiliary Territory Service provided crucial support during the war with its members serving as radio operators, drivers, mechanics and anti-aircraft. We read through a text all about her time when she joined and created a poster to show what we had learnt about her. 

After our celebrations outside, we then came inside and enjoyed our specially made Jubilee cake. 

Year 6 

To celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee the children have studied the queens family tree and a timeline of her reign. We had to use maths in order to divide our timelines up and show any significant events in her life.  

We then created our our family trees and timelines to represent this. The family trees we made represented our own families. 

We also watched and listened to Picture News from this week thinking about commitment and devotion the Queen has shown throughout her life. 
