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Art - We used our own ideas about perspective and scale to create texture and mood in our pictures. We studied the work of Henri Rousseau and our prior knowledge of scale and perspective from Lowry's work.

French - we practised saying the masculine and feminine forms of adjectives

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Science - we created food chains using our knowledge of animals of the Amazon rainforest

English - Letter from Lila. We wrote a letter as Lila from Firework Maker’s Daughter to her father.

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Art - We used our knowledge of tones and shading to mix our own green tones and demonstrate them. We also used shading techniques to show our knowledge of highlight and shadow.

Geography and Science - we know how the water cycle occurs and have written information texts to show what we know

Geography - Children show they know how to use atlases and digimaps to compare human and physical features between Fulwood and Manaus in South America

Science - Using classification keys to sort a group of animals

RE - Sharing our knowledge of the Shabbat
