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Real Life


In Art we have been looking at colour wheels and experimenting to see which primary colours can be mixed to make secondary colours. 


In Science, we have been working in teams to find patterns in the way that the size of shadows change. 


In Geography, we have been making observations about places and features that change over time. We have looked at Hadrian's wall located this on a map. We investigated what Hadrian's wall looked like when if was first built and what it looks like now. 


In Music, we have been looking at the term 'downbeat' and working to identify this in different types of music. Whilst tapping their knee to the music, the children realised that if their hand was in the air it was the upbeat and if their hand was on their knee it was the downbeat. 


In PSHE, we have been looking at Anxiety, how it can make us feel and what we calm do to calm anxiety. We have also been looking at all of the feelings that link to anxiety. The children have had a go at creating their own anxiety box, full of any anxieties they have or may have had in the past. 
