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Real Life

The children have been developing their knowledge on chronology. We have looked at periods of time before and after the birth of Christ and how long these lasted. 

We created timelines with 2cm representing 1000 years and placed the periods of time on these. 


In Science, we have been looking at the work of Carl Linnaeus. Children have conducted research on his investigations and have looked at how he has impacted our world today.

Linking to real life then children have created pictures based around Remembrance. We created a wash background, silhouette and used pointillism for the poppies.

Within art we have been looking at the work of Roy Lichtenstein. We have looked at the techniques he used plus the style of art he created. We used his ideas to create our own work on a piece of fabric, choosing the media to use too. We expressed opinions on this once we had finished.

We have been on a walk of our local area, Fulwood. The aim of the walk was to use fieldwork to observe, measure, record and present the human and physical features in the local area using sketch maps and to know why some patterns in geography may have occurred.  Whilst we were on our walk we were looking to answer our geography fieldwork question – Is there a lot of pollution in Fulwood?

The children stopped at certain points on the walk and discussed possible places where there could be a lot of pollution. This included counting cars, seeing that some houses had heating, Preston Hospital and a range of other shops or industries we saw on the walk.

The children came back to school and created sketch maps on the route we had taken, answered our fieldwork question and presented data from our fieldwork enquiry.  
