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Trip to Ribchester Museum

On Tuesday 10th of March we spent the morning at Ribchester Roman Museum. 

We all gathered together with Patrick to talk about everything we had already learnt in school and even more that Patrick could tell us. We learnt all about Ribchester and how it would've looked over 2000 years ago when the Romans were living here. 

We looked at different artefacts that archeologists have discovered - things like pieces of pottery and tiles. We also looked at copies of leather shoes and a leather bag the Roman soldiers would've worn/used. 

Next we tried on the different pieces of armour. They weren't the real things as metal doesn't last that long, but we tried on the copies of the armour, the different helmets and the sword and shield. 

After we had all tried on the different equipment, we then looked around the museum while answering a quiz all about the Romans and how they lived. 


We took so many pictures - have a look at them below. 
