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Leading Teams

In Year 3, we have been learning to divide by 4. We have worked in teams to use multilink to help us with answering division questions. 

Year 5 & 6 

Linked to leading teams, the Year 6 children have set some arithmetic questions for Y5 to solve. 

Small groups of children worked together to go through some calculations and answers. Each group of children had a specific topic to work on and work together to solve. 



Year 6 


The children have worked together to play a game which revolves around algebra. 

They had to know the key vocabulary such as algebra, expression and formulae.

The children played a game where each dice represented a letter and after they had solved the expression they could cover up the answer. The first person to cover up 3 numbers wins.

Y4 Worked in coaching partners to support and guide each other through challenging problems

Year 1


We worked in pairs compare objects within 50.

Year 1 


We estimated and then measured an object using the cubes.

Year 3

We have been working in teams to measure different play ground equipment and convert our measurements from centimetres to metres.
