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Nursery listened to a story about how Hanukkah is celebrated and the they had their own celebration in the home corner, making food for a party. 


In Reception the children used their cutting skills to make Menorahs.  They made Happy Hannukah cards and then followed instructions to make some different Menorahs.  The children pretended to be the King who knocked the temple down.  There was a group who then pretended to be the Maccabees and rebuild the temple.

Year 1


We looked at the story of Hanukkah and talked about it. We then compared the similarities and differences between Hanukkah and Christmas.



Year 5

Year 5 looked at the Hanukkah festival and the celebration and the build up around it. We then compared this to the Christian festival of Christmas looking at any differences or similarities between the two festivals. We then linked this with our RE unit looking closely at the Bible and compared the Bible to the Holy Book of Judaism - the Torah. 
We looked at the Menorah (comparing this to an advent wreath) and a pretend Torah (we know real ones cannot be touched). 

Year 6 

Within Year 6 we have learnt about the traditions of Hanukah and learnt a specific game Jewish people may take part in during this time. 

The game involved a 'currency' which would be in the middle of the table. The dreidel would be spun or rolled to determine what happened to the pot in the middle. 

