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Stone Age to Iron Age

Stone Age to Iron Age


To start off our Stone Age to Iron Age topic we began looking at the very beginning - looking at the earliest time period in the Stone Age. 

We had the opportunity to look at some artefacts from the Stone Age. These included different weapons, tools and even jewellery.

We drew and name the artefact we were looking at and predicted what this artefact was used for during the Stone Age. 


When looking at the artefacts from the museum, the children drew in detail what they could see and what they thought that tool or weapon may have been used for in the Stone Age. 

The children then looked at what hunter-gatherers were in the Stone Age. As a class we discussed how these people would have different jobs to either hunt or gather food to take back with them and use for different reasons. 

We looked at different tools they would use and created a toolkit a hunter-gatherer would use. 

We then looked at what kind of food they would find. We looked at the different animals they would hunt and then the different things they would use that animal for and also other food sources they would gather. 

Real life/Practical 

Children created their own cave drawing using charcoal. This was also a link to one of our art skills - using different materials to draw or sketch. 

We used our fingers to smudge the charcoal instead of colouring with it like a pencil.  

After the children had compared Iron Age roundhouses to houses we live in today, we got the opportunity to create our own miniature version of a roundhouse. 

We used lots of clay - but also other resources such as:

  • Stone
  • Slate
  • Sticks/Twigs
  • Cardboard
  • Cloth 
  • String

Take a look at our roundhouses below. 

We found it very difficult using clay and sticks as it was really hard to keep everything secure and standing up. 

We decided as class that it would be very hard to build a life size one of these then have to live in it so we are very lucky all our houses were made for us!


After research, the children designed their own cave art. They first, drew this in their book and explained any message that was behind what they had drawn. This was to show their understanding of how the people communicated throughout the Stone Age to Iron Age period. 

Leading in teams

The children worked together when designed their roundhouses. 

They worked in either 2s or 3s to build their roundhouses. They had to communicate with each other what materials were best to use but to also aid each other when designing using the clay so things stayed in place and nothing fell down!

The pictures below show how the children started constructing their roundhouses in their small groups. 