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Welcome to Reception 2023 - 2024

We are really looking forward to an exciting year full of learning and fun.  We will be working on becoming independent and making the right choices.  We will be giving them real life experiences through a mixture of different activities, visitors and trips. We will provide learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom.

In Reception we strive to make the children ready for their next stage in their journey through school.  We do this by planning a curriculum which is inclusive and gets the best out of each and every child despite their starting point.  Talking and communication is at the forefront of this curriculum as if the children cannot talk they will struggle with all other learning.  We want to ensure that every child is listened to and their communication is enhanced through the carefully chosen texts we use in class.  Our classroom is set up so the children can practise and get better at what they have been taught.  One adult is usually completing a task with a group of children and the other is in the provision taking their learning on further.  

In St Peter's Reception we want the children to be happy in all aspects of school life.  We adopt 3 simple rules which are Safe, Ready and Respect.  These are the things the children work towards each day and if they follow them they can move their name up on the behaviour chart or get a Dojo point or get a sticker.  If their picture gets to outstanding they will receive a card to take home.    

Archived Autumn Term

Archived - Welcome to Reception 2022-23

We are really looking forward to an exciting year full of new learning, developing independence, teamwork through play and choice.   

The children will be given lots of opportunities to practise what they have learnt through provision set up in the classroom.  

Useful websites to help with your child's learning

Summer Term

Spring Term

Autumn Term 

We know how important the first year of school is for you and your child. To help parents of new pupils, any member of the Reception team will be able to provide a detailed description of Early Years provision.

The Reception class at Fulwood St Peters is a learning environment which aims at all times to be happy (because we know that happy children are responsive, receptive and enthusiastic to learning) and challenging (because we know children are capable and keen to learn, and enjoy the challenge and the achievements that come with it).

Through planned, purposeful play, children are able to discover, practise and refine their skills in literacy and mathematics as well as find out about themselves and their environment. In a broad and balanced way, our provision ensures coverage of the seven areas of learning (see below) and responds to the needs and interests of all our children. At all times, we consider characteristics of effective learning which promote positive attitudes to learning, an enthusiasm for knowledge and the confidence to become successful learners.


Through our teaching we promise to deliver learning which is practicaloutdoor and develops a love of learning within each and every child. Children are encouraged to make choices about their learning and take the lead to grow their self-belief, confidence and independence

