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Year 6

This week in Year 6 we have been looking at how we can stay safe online – specifically focusing on self-image and identity, stereotypes and prejudice.   


This has linked with our PSHE work in which we have been developing our knowledge on stereotypes and how not all images in the media or online are as they seem.   


The Year 6 children have been understanding why it may be important to challenge certain stereotypes and representations online.

We have discussed the following questions: 



What possible prejudices or stereotypes may we see in the world or online?

"An example would be nurses and ballet dancers people think these jobs are for girls and boxers and footballers are usually boys but anyone can do those jobs." Clara Y6 

"You may see people being nice online but they not be in real life." Rohith Y6

What is a stereotype and why can it be unhelpful or incorrect?

"A stereotype is when you think that someone's image tells us about them when it might be wrong." Lola Y6 

How can we stay safe online?

"Remember that not all content or pictures are what they seem."

"Only speak to people that you know?"

"If you see something you are uncomfortable with, tell a trusted adult."

"Don't look at content that is above your age."


The children have taken part in a number of activities including creating a poster advertising a ‘Robot Dog’ for a particular audience whilst trying to breakdown stereotypes.  


We have also looked at an advert online which portrays fabricated images of people and created job adverts that break down stereotypes.

Please have a look at some of our work.
