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Leading in Teams

In computing we have been creating pictograms using the data we have collected from our minibeast hunt.

This term we are learning how to play tennis. During our first lesson, we practised throwing and catching a tennis ball using the underarm technique. We firsted practised underarm throwing and catching and then moved to throwing and catching in a team. 

During our DT lesson, we have been learning how to grate, cut and peel. We then used these skills to make pizzas. 


We have been learning about our world and how to care for our pets, family and plants.

We have been learning all about plants. ‘We learnt that all plants need water, sunlight and air in order to grow.’ - Holly 


As a whole class we are carrying out an investigation to find out how plants need water, light and suitable temperatures to grow and stay healthy. We have planted cress seeds in different areas and changing their needs. 
