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Diwali Theme Day

Diwali Day

Over October half term, there were many people around the world that celebrated Diwali.

During our theme day, we learnt all about what Diwali was, who celebrates it, how they celebrate it and also the story behind Diwali - The Story of Rama and Sita. 

We also compared the festival Diwali to a Christian celebration. In year 3, we looked at the differences and similarities of Diwali and Christmas. 

To start the day off, the children completed a comprehension all about Diwali. They answered questions using their text retrieval skills to gain knowledge about the festival and how it is celebrated as well as why. 

We then looked at the story of Rama and Sita.

We looked at 2 different versions of the story that were slightly different to each other. We then retold the story in different ways. 

We could either write character profiles about the 4 main people in the story - Rama, Sita, Ravana and Hanuman. 

Write small diary entries as each of the characters that appear in the story. 

Or show the story through a comic strip. 

The children created a drama sketch retelling the story of Rama and Sita. 

They used masks to show what character they were playing and each group included a narrator to help tell the story along the way. 

Practicing before performing
