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In Geography, we have been looking at the definition of a capital city and what a city might look like. We used an atlas to identify the capital cities of the UK. 
‘A capital city might have lots of tourist attractions e.g. Big Ben.’

’A capital city will light up at night because there are so many people and so many buildings.’


We looked at live footage of the 4 capital cities to check if they had big buildings and lots of people. 

W.K 19.09.22 "This week we have been looking at King Charles III and how he will know reign over the country." "We have been watching the hours long queue of people to see our former queen." "I think the new king will look after the world and treat everyone equal just like the queen did." "I think that the new king will show everyone compassion and help everyone."


Still image for this video

We have practiced reading a variety of Autumn poems such as ‘Autumn Days’ and ‘Autumn Night’. We focused on using tone, intonation and volume when reading aloud.

We have been looking at the role of the switch in a computer network. Children acted out the role of the switch and passed messages to their friends. We looked at the location of our school switch and discussed it’s role within our school network.
